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Thread: Harris: I'll eliminate Columbus Day, make it Indigenous People's Day

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Harris: I'll eliminate Columbus Day, make it Indigenous People's Day

    Instated of honoring or respecting History.
    ESG Harris decided to trash Columbus Day.

    By trashing European explorers they ushered a wave of devastation, violence, stealing land, and widespread disease..

    If it wasn't for Euporean explorers there wouldn't be a America today.
    If European explorers/settlers didnt come to North America someone else would either China or Russia.

    Is the ESG/DEI hire trying to convince the hispanics or Italians?
    Well the ESG/DEI pick is doing a horrible job trying to gain support from those two camps.

    Last edited by WarriorLiberty; 10-14-2024 at 10:39 AM.

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  3. #2
    Indigenous day? I thought we were supposed to celebrate immigrants?

  4. #3
    Why don't you just call it "History of America day" and discuss and remember the good and bad things from said history, instead of trying to divide people, looking openly at the past and learning from it would be the better thing to do.
    "I am a bird"

  5. #4
    "They're killing our buffalo! They're eating our turkeys! They're sending in diseases!"

    Must be hard for them to tell us how the Europeans did that while also pretending that an influx of foreign invaders isn't doing this today.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    "They're killing our buffalo! They're eating our turkeys! They're sending in diseases!"

    Must be hard for them to tell us how the Europeans did that while also pretending that an influx of foreign invaders isn't doing this today.
    If we ask nicely, maybe the immigrants will allow us a few tracts of land and casinos for us to call our own.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  7. #6
    Seeing as Columbus was named after Columbia, the goddess of liberty and reason, that actually makes sense.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    Seeing as Columbus was named after Columbia, the goddess of liberty and reason, that actually makes sense.
    Or, at least, it makes more sense than the District of Columbia.

  9. #8
    Ow about no bs day and all tax ticks back to work
    Do something Danke

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Or, at least, it makes more sense than the District of Columbia.
    Yeah, that sounds like it could have been, District of Panama.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.3D View Post
    Yeah, that sounds like it could have been, District of Panama.
    That would be an appropriate capital for this banana republic.

  13. #11
    There is real history and there is fake history.

    Here's some real history.


    From the moment Cortes learned from the Indian chief of Cempoal that the Aztec rule was heavy on the subject tribes, and that disloyalty seethed throughout the Empire only waiting the propitious moment to throw off the supremacy of fear, his plan to unite all the discontented elements in the land under his standard, and to overthrow Montezuma by the very instrument his own cruelties and extortions had created, took shape. His first move was to persuade the Cacique of Cempoal to refuse the tribute of twenty men for sacrifice, and to imprison the collectors sent by Montezuma; by this act of open rebellion the Totonac tribes exposed themselves to the summary vengeance of the Aztecs, and were left with the sole hope of alliance with the Spaniards to save themselves from the consequences of their insubordination. This much accomplished, the next step was to win the gratitude of the tax collectors, and put Montezuma under obligations. This was done by opposing the Cempoalans' wish to sacrifice the collectors forthwith, and by later arranging for the escape by night of two of them, and sending them to Montezuma with his expressions of regret at the indignities they had suffered, and his assurance to the Emperor that he would also effect the escape of the remaining three. These he held as hostages, for when the escape of the two became known the next day, Cortes feigned great wrath at the negligence of the guards and, in order to secure the remaining prisoners, he put them in irons and sent them on board one of his own caravels. The news of these events spread quickly, and the Totanacs, convinced that the hour of successful revolt against Aztec oppression was at hand, rose as one man against Montezuma, and committed their lives and fortunes to the Spaniards. This result was a diplomatic victory of no mean value.(p.31)
    Except the independent Tlascalans, all the other peoples of Anahuac were held in stem subjection by the Aztec emperor; heavy taxes were collected from them, human life was without value, torture was in common use; their sons were seized for sacrifice, their daughters replenished the harems of the confederated kings and great nobles, so that Cortes was welcomed as the Hberator of subject peoples, the redresser of wrongs. (p.48)
    Every day, before they undertake any work, they burn incense in the said mosques, and sometimes they sacrifice their own persons, some cutting their tongues and others their ears, and some hacking the body with knives ; and they offer up to their idols all the blood which flows, sprinkling it on all sides of those mosques, at other times throwing it up towards the heavens, and practising many other kinds of ceremonies, so that they undertake nothing without first offering sacrifice there.
    They have another custom, horrible, and abominable, and deserving punishment, and which we have never before seen in any other place, and it is this, that, as Human often as they have anything to ask of their Sacrifices idols, in order that their petition may be more acceptable, they take many boys or girls, and even grown men and women, and in the presence of those idols they open their breasts, while they are alive, and take out the hearts and entrails, and bum the said entrails and hearts before the idols, offering that smoke in sacrifice to them. ^ Some of us who have seen this say that [it is the most terrible and frightful thing to behold that has ever been seen. So frequently, and so often do these Indians do this, according to our information, and partly by what we have seen in the short time we are in this country, that no year passes in which they do not kill and sacrifice fifty souls in each mosque; and this is practised, and held as customary, from the Isle of Cozumel to the country in which we are now settled. Your Majesties may rest assured that, according to the size of the land, which to us seems very considerable, and the many mosques which they have, there is no year, as far as we have until now discovered and seen, when they do not kill and sacrifice in this manner some three or four thousand souls...(pp 163-164)
    Orozco y Berra (vol. iv., cap. i.,) says that they connected the arrival of the unknown guests with the prophecy of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) , foretelling the coming of bearded white men from the land of the rising sun, and also that they had knowledge of Spaniards, from the time of the wreck of Valdivia's men, whom they had probably helped to sacrifice and eat.
    The Spaniards passed an anxious night, listening to the noisy preparations of the Indians for battle, and in consulting vainly to discover some escape. At dawn, a hand-to-hand fight was fiercely waged, the Indians showing no fear of fire-arms, and driving the retreating Spaniards into the sea. Fifty Spaniards were killed, and one, Alonzo Bote, and a Portuguese, were captured alive. (p.175)
    I left in the town of Vera Cruz, two horsemen, and one hundred and fifty men, engaged in building a fort, which I have now almost finished, and I left all that ^(province of Cempoal, and all the neighbouring mountain N, regions near the said town, which contained some fifty ^thousand warriors, and fifty towns and forts, all well pacified, and secure, and very devoted as loyal vassals of Your Majesty, such as they have been, and are, until now. According to my information, they were subjects of that lord, Montezuma, by force, and since a short time only, and, when they learned from me of Your Highness' s great and royal power, they declared they wished to become vassals of Your Royal Majesty, and my friends, and they prayed me to protect them against that great lord, who held them subject by force and tyranny, and took away their sons, to kill and sacrifice them to their idols; and making many other complaints against him. Thus, they are, and have continued, very, firm and loyal in the service of Your Highness, and I believe they will always remain so, not only to escape from his tyranny, but also because they have always been well treated and favoured by me. (p. 189)
    Montezuma and many chiefs of the city remained with me until the idols were taken away and the chapels cleansed, and the images put up, and they all wore happy faces. I forbade them to sacrifice human beings to the idols, as they were accustomed to do, for besides its being very hateful to God, Your Majesty had also prohibited it by your laws, and commanded that those who killed should be put to death. Henceforth they abolished it, and, in all the time I remained in the city, never again were they seen to sacrifice any human creature.
    The figures of the idols, in which those people believe, exceed in size the body of a large man. They are made of a mass of all the seeds and vegetables which they eat, ground up and mixed wdth one another, and kneaded with the hearts' blood of human beings, whose breasts are opened when alive, the hearts being removed, and, with the blood which comes out, is kneaded the flour, making the quantity necessary to construct a great statue. When these are finished the priests offer them more hearts, which have likewise been sacrificed, and besmear the faces with the blood. The idols are dedicated to different things, as was the custom of the heathen who anciently honoured their gods. Thus, to obtain favours in war these people have one idol, for harvests another, and for everything in which they desire any good, they have idols whom they honour and serve. (p. 262)
    Their religion was established with a regular hierarchy, and a calendar of festivals, which were observed with a really admirable ritual, marred only by the barbarity of certain rites ; their deities were gloomy and ferocious, fear was the motive of worship, human sacrifice the only means of placating the gods, and thus religion, which should soften and humanise manners and elevate character, was engulfed in a dreadful superstition, which held the nation in a state of permanent degradation, with the result that the most civilised amongst the Indians of North America were at the same time the most barbarous. The perfect ordering of this system impressed the Spaniards, while its awful rites horrified them. (p. 332)
    Clavigero pertinently notes that, in this battle as in many others, the Indians might easily have killed Cortes had they not determined to take him alive and sacrifice him (p. 50)
    This was the last victorious day for the Mexicans, and witnessed their culminating effort against their foes. Quauhtemotzin was everywhere present amongst his troops, urging them to a supreme struggle, and sounding his trumpet of conch-shell, "upon hearing which signal" Bernal Diaz says, "it is impossible to describe the fury with which they closed upon us" (cap. ciii.). Dominating the shouts of "Santiago!" the screams of the wounded, the crash of arms, and the fierce war-cries of the Mexicans, was heard the lugubrious roll of the sacred Tlapankuekuetl of serpents' skins which the priests beat with inspired frenzy before the war-god on the teocalli. Cortes again owed his escape from instant death to the determination which obsessed the Mexicans to take him alive for the sacrifice. His rescuer was the same Cristobal de Olea who had once before come to his aid in a moment of peril at Xochimilco ; with one blow of his sword he cut off the arm of the warrior who held the general, falling dead himself the next moment.
    Bernal Diaz says that Olea slew four chiefs before he himself fell (loco citato). (p.97)
    Cortes daily renewed his offers of honourable terms for the Emperor and his people if the city would surrender. Day after day, with infinite patience, he made appointments which Quauhtemotzin never kept; time after time, he wasted hours in waiting for better counsels to prevail; but nothing he could say or do sufficed to allay the distrust of Quauhtemotzin, or bring the Mexicans to terms. Their choice was made; they had had enough of the Spaniards, whose semi-divine character was an exploded myth, and whose presence in the land was felt to be incompatible with the Aztec sovereignty. Cortes protests throughout the greatest reluctance to destroy the city, and declares repeatedly that the necessity of doing so filled him with inexpressible grief. The fate known to be in store for every Spaniard taken alive, and the sight of the hideous rites of sacrifice, performed under the very eyes of the soldiers, helpless to intervene, followed by the cannibal feasts, in which the mangled members of their comrades furnished the banquet, were certainly sufficient to arouse the Spaniards to a very frenzy against such inhuman foes, and yet there is no where found any hint that the spirit of vengeance prompted reprisals on the prisoners who fell into their hands. Such remains of the Spanish victims as could be found were afterwards collected and reverently buried : a chapel dedicated to the Martyrs was erected over the spot, which was afterwards replaced by the Church of San Hipolito (Orozco y Berra, lib. iii., cap. viii.).

    Letters of Cortes 2 vol,. Francis Augustus MacNutt, G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1908 NY, London. ( is down from a hack atm)
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

  14. #12

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    "They're killing our buffalo! They're eating our turkeys! They're sending in diseases!"

    Must be hard for them to tell us how the Europeans did that while also pretending that an influx of foreign invaders isn't doing this today.
    Then it was benevolent Christian conquerors.

    Now it is malignant Marxist conquerors.

    They take no prisoners.
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    "Your universe has no meaning to them. They will not try to understand. They will be tired, they will be cold, they will make a fire with your beautiful oak door..." Jean Raspail "Camp of the Saints".

  16. #14
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    "Your universe has no meaning to them. They will not try to understand. They will be tired, they will be cold, they will make a fire with your beautiful oak door..." Jean Raspail "Camp of the Saints".

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by luctor-et-emergo View Post
    Why don't you just call it "History of America day" and discuss and remember the good and bad things from said history, instead of trying to divide people, looking openly at the past and learning from it would be the better thing to do.
    You'd be a lousy politician.

    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  18. #16
    I quit celebrating all their $#@!ing “days” years ago. Quite liberating and I highly recommend it. Bunch of bull$#@! anyway. Christmas too yeah I said it.

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  20. #17

  21. #18
    Pretty sure there are things out there that should be a bigger priority than eliminating a holiday.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  22. #19
    Meanwile Ive got important mail waiting at post office 8 miles away for two days so lazy govt employees can get a pd day off
    Do something Danke

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    You'd be a lousy politician.

    Good statesman?
    "I am a bird"

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Slave Mentality View Post
    I quit celebrating all their $#@!ing “days” years ago. Quite liberating and I highly recommend it. Bunch of bull$#@! anyway. Christmas too yeah I said it.
    Someone should remind the ESG/DEI hire Harris that the native tribes weren't all saints as the liberal activists are trying to turn into.

    Natives were killing and enslaving their own kind.

    When it comes to "Europeans brought devastation, violence, stealing land"

    By Harris logic apache tribe were the good guys right?

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by luctor-et-emergo View Post
    Good statesman?
    An important distinction.

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Someone should remind the ESG/DEI hire Harris that the native tribes weren't all saints as the liberal activists are trying to turn into.
    Believe me, they know.

    Quote Originally Posted by WarriorLiberty View Post
    Natives were killing and enslaving their own kind.
    See, that doesn't worry liberal hypocrites terribly, really. What's worse by far is, Indians are overwhelmingly voting Trump. That's what really makes decolonialization stick in their throats.

  27. #24

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