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Thread: Trump shot at Rally

  1. #781
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    Do you have a link showing that his security team was replaced?
    Secret Service Allegedly Diverted to Jill Biden Instead of Trump Just Before Bloody Shooting: Report

    REVEALED: Secret Service Team for Trump was 'Mostly Temporary Replacements'
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

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  3. #782
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Yeah, they are claiming a filing error. I wonder, would this "filing error" have paid off if Trump had been killed?
    Well, one obvious question would be were there any other "clerical errors" in the report? Apparently the entire report was FUBAR...
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  4. #783
    He had threatened to shoot up the school? So we have a typical school shooter type here. When will we hear about the SSRIs he was on? Oh yeah, never.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  5. #784
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Well, one obvious question would be were there any other "clerical errors" in the report? Apparently the entire report was FUBAR...
    In terms of legal action, it's looking like this is turning into a nothing-burger. But in terms of standard Clown World sus, I'm still going to say this is smoke and indicates there was probably fire. In Clown World, everything is funny-business until proven otherwise. That's why CTists are practically always right nowadays. To make true predictions in Clown World, the only asset you need is a massive dose of paranoid skepticism...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  7. #785
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post

    This is a caricature of what Swordsmyth is saying. The claim, "Trump's near-miss is proof that God is alive and active in the world" does not mean that God has special love for Trump. It's even possible that Trump is a false professor and will eventually be exposed. That's beside the point --- when God permits a "near miss" event like this, especially of this extreme improbability, it's a divine warning sign, see Daniel 5, especially v. 30. God is taking away the comfortable middle-ground of pragmatic atheism. The walls are closing in and more and more people are being forced to pick a side. Are you on the side of absolute evil? Or are you standing with Jesus? Because, in the end, those will be the only two options. This is going to become more and more obvious until even the most extreme atheist skeptic will not be able to deny it any longer. And Trump's near-miss is a sure sign that we are hurtling towards that scenario at an ever-faster rate...
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    That's a good point, and well taken. But you're being reactionary -- defensive -- again. The people wizard was talking about exist. They know Trump has power and they want him to use it, they know God has power and they want Him to use it, if a fairy godmother appeared with a wand they'd want her to use it. You can almost imagine them in Jerusalem back in the day begging Jesus for a miracle, not because they need one, but the way an autograph hound would beg Penn and Teller to pull a coin from his ear.

    This is only a black pill for those hypocrites. And even then only if they refuse to repent and get over themselves.
    Trump is an unrepentant murderer who swore an oath to God to defend the Constitution and did what every other president does and ignored it.
    The other guy at the rally got shot in the head, where was his warning?
    Israel is carpet bombing women and children and raping prisoners. They had foreknowledge of the Oct. 7th attack, and applied the Hannibal directive to increase the death count. All the RNC can do is pray for the murderers, lick boots, and cry about how they don't have enough weapons to murder more.
    Ukraine war has wiped out an entire generation of young men. The murdering and weapons dealing went continued unabated on Trump's watch.
    Trump deployed a bioweapon against the people of the united states that killed and will kill who knows how many people, and now the states are forcing this on babies and children.
    The list goes on and on.

    And THIS my friends, is the poster child for being on the side "against absolute evil"?

    If this is the end, ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you there ain't no two sides. It's God against the whole planet. It is revenge upon ALL of the nations. It is the time of Jacob's trouble (Christians will also feel the pain very severely). Only a small remnant will be saved who will cry out in a spirit of mourning begging God to stop and have mercy.

    I'm really worn out with all the words though. I'm already feeling I want to pull away again, even just being back on here active a few days. I hesitate even to discuss anything deep with regards to faith on here, because in past experience it gets derailed by Calvinist claptrap.

    I think there are some smart Christians on here who should be discussing a way forward. I don't believe anything substantial will come from anyone else.

    I would throw money in just to get the Christians here to try, but everyone seems content to continue edging along with the doom porn.
    When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble?
    When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Amos 3:6

  8. #786
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    Trump is an unrepentant murderer who swore an oath to God to defend the Constitution and did what every other president does and ignored it.
    Who did Trump murder?

    The other guy at the rally got shot in the head, where was his warning?
    God obviously has many good reasons for why he permitted that to happen. Perhaps he just wanted to take a sheep home early, Isa. 57:1. Obviously, we don't know God's counsels in that sense, but when God moves openly in the earthly space, as he did against Pharaoh in the Exodus, he leaves no room for reasonable doubt about what he's doing, and why.

    Trump's near-miss is a divine warning sign. Heed it or not, as you choose.

    Israel is carpet bombing women and children and raping prisoners. They had foreknowledge of the Oct. 7th attack, and applied the Hannibal directive to increase the death count. All the RNC can do is pray for the murderers, lick boots, and cry about how they don't have enough weapons to murder more.
    We don't know all the information about what happened on Oct 7th. One thing is clear: the devil is sowing as absolute much confusion as he possibly can around that event and its aftermath. The many crimes of false-Zionism are already well-known, the real question is what is God doing prophetically by permitting these events to unfold? No one can use the name of his people without him having a purpose in that, even if it is to trap the wicked in their plots.

    Ukraine war has wiped out an entire generation of young men. The murdering and weapons dealing went continued unabated on Trump's watch.
    Trump deployed a bioweapon against the people of the united states that killed and will kill who knows how many people, and now the states are forcing this on babies and children.
    Trump was in no position to offer even the slightest resistance to the vaxx agenda. They were raking him over the coals regarding "horse-paste" and "injecting bleach", total and obvious lies and complete distortions of what he had quite clearly said. Imagine if he had said "don't take the vaccine". They would have deployed Crooks or an equivalent on him right then and there. They were merely tolerating Trump because the optics of another US Presidential assassination is not that great on the world stage.

    And THIS my friends, is the poster child for being on the side "against absolute evil"?
    For many people, it is. Even if they are misguided in that, if God permits it, then that is what God has permitted. Authoritarian conservatives are all quite facile with Romans 13, so apply it here, consistently. "The powers that BE". Right?

    If this is the end, ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you there ain't no two sides. It's God against the whole planet. It is revenge upon ALL of the nations. It is the time of Jacob's trouble (Christians will also feel the pain very severely). Only a small remnant will be saved who will cry out in a spirit of mourning begging God to stop and have mercy.
    You're literally describing two sides, while saying there won't be two sides. It will be God against his enemies, delivering those of us who don't deserve to be delivered, but are being saved anyway by the Good Shepherd who poured out his blood for us. You are right that it will be a time of unprecedented distress, Jesus told us so.

    Calvinist claptrap.
    "Calvinist" is just a scare-word like "white nationalist" and doesn't mean what you and others say it means. God is over all. The Bible says this many times over (and it only needs to say it once for it to be the truth). That is the sum and substance of Calvinism.

    ... smart Christians...
    Like these Christians?:

    Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him. (1 Cor. 1:26-29)
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  9. #787
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    Trump is an unrepentant murderer who swore an oath to God to defend the Constitution and did what every other president does and ignored it.
    The other guy at the rally got shot in the head, where was his warning?
    Israel is carpet bombing women and children and raping prisoners. They had foreknowledge of the Oct. 7th attack, and applied the Hannibal directive to increase the death count. All the RNC can do is pray for the murderers, lick boots, and cry about how they don't have enough weapons to murder more.
    Ukraine war has wiped out an entire generation of young men. The murdering and weapons dealing went continued unabated on Trump's watch.
    Trump deployed a bioweapon against the people of the united states that killed and will kill who knows how many people, and now the states are forcing this on babies and children.
    The list goes on and on.

    And THIS my friends, is the poster child for being on the side "against absolute evil"?
    I don't know why he's arguing that facts don't matter because all of this will be forgotten in the next life, or how he thinks it answers my point. But, yeah, something I read somewhere leads me to believe that having eyes to see and ears to hear -- here and now -- is indeed important. And following evil might lead one to be one of the ones carrying a grudge (over getting fooled?) into that lake of fire.

    Where did I read that again? I remember it was a very long book with a very short name...

    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    If this is the end, ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you there ain't no two sides. It's God against the whole planet. It is revenge upon ALL of the nations. It is the time of Jacob's trouble (Christians will also feel the pain very severely). Only a small remnant will be saved who will cry out in a spirit of mourning begging God to stop and have mercy.

    I'm really worn out with all the words though. I'm already feeling I want to pull away again, even just being back on here active a few days. I hesitate even to discuss anything deep with regards to faith on here, because in past experience it gets derailed by Calvinist claptrap.

    I think there are some smart Christians on here who should be discussing a way forward. I don't believe anything substantial will come from anyone else.

    I would throw money in just to get the Christians here to try, but everyone seems content to continue edging along with the doom porn.
    Now that Trump is a walking, talking martyr I don't see a political way forward. I doubt even Kennedy's three dead relatives can overshadow it. I don't know what to do but to try to survive and thrive long enough to help others do the same, and maybe help them get a grip on what's important.

    It's hard to decide on a direction forward when you're in a boat with no keel being tossed by the tempest.

  10. #788
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowball View Post
    Secret Service Allegedly Diverted to Jill Biden Instead of Trump Just Before Bloody Shooting: Report

    REVEALED: Secret Service Team for Trump was 'Mostly Temporary Replacements'

    Well this is fishy:

    "The site agent, who is in charge of putting all security measures for a particular event in place, was a relatively new agent from the Pittsburgh field office with limited experience, a Secret Service source told RCP."

    It also supports the incompetent theory. I'm still leaning towards that. Not because I think the biden regime and the deep state wouldn't love to take trump out, I just think the risk/reward ratio is too high.

  11. #789
    My current thinking is that what happened is more than incompetence and less than a planned out conspiracy. It was deliberate lack of effort and seriousness.

    I think that the SS simply placed little value on Trump's life. High up the chain, phoning in Trump's protection was a conscious decision, but having Thomas Crooks specifically make this specific attempt wasn't. They knew there are people like Tomas Crooks all over the country. They didn't need to hunt one out and recruit him. They just needed to leave enough open doors around, and one of these types would eventually walk through one of them. Over time, this might happen, or it might not. And if it did, then in the minds of some, so much the better. And if it didn't, oh well.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  12. #790
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    He had threatened to shoot up the school? So we have a typical school shooter type here. When will we hear about the SSRIs he was on? Oh yeah, never.
    interesting interview
    Do something Danke

  13. #791
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    It also supports the incompetent theory. I'm still leaning towards that. Not because I think the biden regime and the deep state wouldn't love to take trump out, I just think the risk/reward ratio is too high.
    Here's my problem with the simple incompetence theory...

    First, you have incompetence in the advanced team's planning. Ok, maybe it was a new guy and he wasn't checked very hard. It's possible.

    Next, you have the incompetence of the teams on the ground who allowed a guy onto the roof. Ok, maybe a miscommunication and confusion about what they were seeing.

    Next, you have the snipers who spotted him well in advance of the shooting, you had local law enforcement able to interact with the guy, but they didn't stop him. Ok, no one wants to be wrong and kill someone. I can see that.

    Next, you have the fact that apparently no one, seeing the potential threat, called the team up front to tell them to hold Trump off stage, or remove him until it could be checked out. Still possible. Or they could have called, but someone up front decided not to take action thinking it was nothing. Ok.

    But at the same time all of those things were happening, a 20-year-old kid with a rifle somehow figured out how to navigate all these snafus in a perfect sequence to get off 8 shots? Man, that's when my BS detector starts to go off. Possible? Yeah, it's possible. But seems unlikely. Especially, after 2 impeachments, a failed coup, a stolen election, lawsuits, indictments, and felony convictions couldn't stop Trump.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  14. #792

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  16. #793
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    It's not conclusive either way but it is curious how huge that short position is relative to other (official) shorters of the stock. Even serial naked shorters like Citadel hedge fund and SUSquehanna only report 1 to 2 million shares short. 12 million is a ton, but the info is sort of worthless without knowing the put strikes, expiry dates and when opened. If you look at the stock's chart, shorting it has been pretty profitable for several months. Interesting nonetheless, especially if one remembers the puts on airlines before 9/11, for example.

    (for a different perspective, if one believes that this event was something of a psyop to galvanize support behind Donald, a put position like that could be simply a hedge against the psyop going terribly awry (like a bullet actually hitting and killing him unintentionally), so that prior investment in Trump (tm) and TMTG isn't booked as a loss. That's not necessarily my theory but it is smart to consider all angles.)
    Last edited by devil21; 07-18-2024 at 02:04 PM.
    "Let it not be said that we did nothing."-Ron Paul

    "We have set them on the hobby-horse of an idea about the absorption of individuality by the symbolic unit of COLLECTIVISM. They have never yet and they never will have the sense to reflect that this hobby-horse is a manifest violation of the most important law of nature, which has established from the very creation of the world one unit unlike another and precisely for the purpose of instituting individuality."- A Quote From Some Old Book

  17. #794
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  18. #795
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    Here's my problem with the simple incompetence theory...

    First, you have incompetence in the advanced team's planning. Ok, maybe it was a new guy and he wasn't checked very hard. It's possible.

    Next, you have the incompetence of the teams on the ground who allowed a guy onto the roof. Ok, maybe a miscommunication and confusion about what they were seeing.

    Next, you have the snipers who spotted him well in advance of the shooting, you had local law enforcement able to interact with the guy, but they didn't stop him. Ok, no one wants to be wrong and kill someone. I can see that.

    Next, you have the fact that apparently no one, seeing the potential threat, called the team up front to tell them to hold Trump off stage, or remove him until it could be checked out. Still possible. Or they could have called, but someone up front decided not to take action thinking it was nothing. Ok.

    But at the same time all of those things were happening, a 20-year-old kid with a rifle somehow figured out how to navigate all these snafus in a perfect sequence to get off 8 shots? Man, that's when my BS detector starts to go off. Possible? Yeah, it's possible. But seems unlikely. Especially, after 2 impeachments, a failed coup, a stolen election, lawsuits, indictments, and felony convictions couldn't stop Trump.
    Exactly this.

    If yall know me, I don't go down the conspiracy nonsense rabbithole, but the evidence absolutely here points to this being intentional, not a "lapse"
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

  19. #796
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    Here's my problem with the simple incompetence theory...

    First, you have incompetence in the advanced team's planning. Ok, maybe it was a new guy and he wasn't checked very hard. It's possible.

    Next, you have the incompetence of the teams on the ground who allowed a guy onto the roof. Ok, maybe a miscommunication and confusion about what they were seeing.

    Next, you have the snipers who spotted him well in advance of the shooting, you had local law enforcement able to interact with the guy, but they didn't stop him. Ok, no one wants to be wrong and kill someone. I can see that.

    Next, you have the fact that apparently no one, seeing the potential threat, called the team up front to tell them to hold Trump off stage, or remove him until it could be checked out. Still possible. Or they could have called, but someone up front decided not to take action thinking it was nothing. Ok.

    But at the same time all of those things were happening, a 20-year-old kid with a rifle somehow figured out how to navigate all these snafus in a perfect sequence to get off 8 shots? Man, that's when my BS detector starts to go off. Possible? Yeah, it's possible. But seems unlikely. Especially, after 2 impeachments, a failed coup, a stolen election, lawsuits, indictments, and felony convictions couldn't stop Trump.
    Add to that, there just seems to be a lack of bipartisan calls for Cheatle to resign. Everyone I hear saying that is Republicans. Democrats don't seem to care. So there's not just a series of lapses putting Trump in danger under her watch, but there's the additional apparent acceptance of this as seemingly tolerable. Obviously it wouldn't be tolerated for Biden or Harris. Protecting Trump's life is being treated as a low priority. It's like a coach benching all his starters.
    There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.
    Ron Paul
    Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

  20. #797
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Collins View Post
    Exactly this.

    If yall know me, I don't go down the conspiracy nonsense rabbithole, but the evidence absolutely here points to this being intentional, not a "lapse"
    I posted this earlier, but it'd be interesting to read pre- and post-analyses of previous rallies to see if these kinds of gaps are frequent. In many industries in which I've worked, we did this with safety briefings and follow-ups, even if the job was performed without incident. I'm almost 100% sure the Secret Service would do the same.

    If it turns out that these security snafus happen all over the place, then it raises the potential for a nerdy kid to bumble his way through them. But seriously, I've seen concert security tighter than this.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  21. #798
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    Obviously it wouldn't be tolerated for Biden or Harris. Protecting Trump's life is being treated as a low priority. It's like a coach benching all his starters.
    Oh, if this were reversed, there'd be international days of mourning, criminal trials, legislation to crack down on speech, gun confiscations, you name it!
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  22. #799
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyEagle View Post
    Watching a bit of the convention. Trump sure looks subdued. Knowing you would be dead unless a flat out miracle occurred, would kinda change someone.
    I thought the same thing. My wife says it was probably just the painkillers.

  23. #800
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    My current thinking is that what happened is more than incompetence and less than a planned out conspiracy. It was deliberate lack of effort and seriousness.

    I think that the SS simply placed little value on Trump's life. High up the chain, phoning in Trump's protection was a conscious decision, but having Thomas Crooks specifically make this specific attempt wasn't. They knew there are people like Tomas Crooks all over the country. They didn't need to hunt one out and recruit him. They just needed to leave enough open doors around, and one of these types would eventually walk through one of them. Over time, this might happen, or it might not. And if it did, then in the minds of some, so much the better. And if it didn't, oh well.
    Yes that's the base reality of the situation.

    on top of it.. its just as easy to find one and help him a little.. Hard to prove because those CIA kind of people know their business.

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  25. #801
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Collins View Post

    I suspect he will not be as "gung ho" or brash or abrasive going forward... maybe the deep state got his attention and he will mellow out and not push any real major policies against them in his next term. On the other hand maybe he will fight harder because of it. Time will tell.
    He will wait to win the election first of course, then maybe Bravado before dying anyways of old age. Instead of pussying out like a slave and missing the mark of becoming the best president the US ever had, at least with the most incredible story.

  26. #802
    Quote Originally Posted by Invisible Man View Post
    My current thinking is that what happened is more than incompetence and less than a planned out conspiracy. It was deliberate lack of effort and seriousness.

    I think that the SS simply placed little value on Trump's life. High up the chain, phoning in Trump's protection was a conscious decision, but having Thomas Crooks specifically make this specific attempt wasn't. They knew there are people like Tomas Crooks all over the country. They didn't need to hunt one out and recruit him. They just needed to leave enough open doors around, and one of these types would eventually walk through one of them. Over time, this might happen, or it might not. And if it did, then in the minds of some, so much the better. And if it didn't, oh well.
    Yeah, that sounds reasonable. When there's an amazing 1 in a million coincidence, it's easy to assume there's some sort of divine intervention or something nefarious going on. What you forget is that the scenario, whatever is was, played out 999,999 times in a more normal way. In this case trump has been out in public thousands of times since he became president and this is the first time someone managed to take a shot at him.

    I can't make up my mind about this. On the other hand because the mistakes were so over the top glaringly bad I feel like we should by default assume it was a planned attempt and it's up to the biden regime to prove to us that it was actually just incompetence.

  27. #803
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  28. #804
    They're finally getting scared
    {Decoy Voice | 18 July 2024}

    Jack Black was recently on tour with his band Tenacious D in Australia, when his band mate Kyle Gass made terrible comments about what happened to President Trump. The government requested to deport them, they cancelled their tour, and even Gass was dropped by his agency. So is the culture finally shifting?

  29. #805
    Joe Scarborough is such a POS!
    Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal or why only dumbasses and cultural marxists are for it.

    Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America

    The Property Basis of Rights

  30. #806
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    They're finally getting scared
    {Decoy Voice | 18 July 2024}

    Jack Black was recently on tour with his band Tenacious D in Australia, when his band mate Kyle Gass made terrible comments about what happened to President Trump. The government requested to deport them, they cancelled their tour, and even Gass was dropped by his agency. So is the culture finally shifting?

    Nah, just too soon for the PC police.

  31. #807
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    "Government is a group of violent thugs with a flag and a theme song." -- Spike Cohen

  32. #808

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  34. #809

  35. #810
    Quote Originally Posted by Madison320 View Post
    Well this is fishy:

    "The site agent, who is in charge of putting all security measures for a particular event in place, was a relatively new agent from the Pittsburgh field office with limited experience, a Secret Service source told RCP."

    It also supports the incompetent theory. I'm still leaning towards that. Not because I think the biden regime and the deep state wouldn't love to take trump out, I just think the risk/reward ratio is too high.
    If it were this alone, perhaps, but it's definitely not this alone. Regardless...
    “Cheatle has put a focus on DEI,” said Biggs. Cheatle announced she aimed to assure that 30% of Secret Service agents are female by 2030. In 2021, more women than men graduated from the service’s training classes. “This is all about DEI,” said Biggs. He charged Cheatle with laying aside “merit-based hirings” and becoming “willing to take anybody that she thinks” meets “her diversity goals.”

    “That’s not the way their mission is designed,” said Biggs. “The DEI hires are so bad.”

    Several female Secret Service agents appeared unable to cover Trump’s head on Saturday evening or even to holster their pistols safely.
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

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