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Thread: New Hampshire Poem Topic: Write a poem about the primary

  1. #1

    New Hampshire Poem Topic: Write a poem about the primary

    In a dark age, 2007
    We thought we could ascend to heaven
    Through Ron Paul, a libertarian
    But I am now a contrarian.

    Still a dark age, 2008
    Iowa came and showed us our fate
    Then a week later, New Hampshire's morn'
    Showed Less support than a state best known for corn

    We thought we could make a break in there
    But the Establishment growled like a mama bear
    Voter fraud, not to mention
    Stupid voters in contention

    The campaign is over, America is done
    I do thank Dr. Paul, we had some fun
    And now decaying is our nation
    Watched by the knowing in frustration
    Democracy is slavery: the illusion that the people run the government. People are not equal, in ability or mind, and those snakes who are influential in media can manipulate the fragile minds of the masses with simple jingoistic phrases. Most people are not cut out to make political decisions, for they have no faculties in examining a larger worldview, thus, their entirety of their political thought is reduced to "what can government do for me?"

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  3. #2
    I like this poem but I don't like the fact that its content is all too real. :\
    ( '.') RON PAUL R[Ǝvo˩]UTION
    (")") , , / /// , ,, , , , , , , ,, , ,,//

  4. #3

    New hampshire - Live like sheep and starve

    Hey New hampshire followers - go watch the movie cinderella man to get an idea of how you will soon be living
    no heat
    no food
    no hope
    your kids will ask why you voted like you did

    be sure to tell them because you severely lack in judgment, are easily fooled, have no integrity and are anything but a patriot

  5. #4
    There's no doubt in my mind that democracy is a failure of a political process.

    Well, after the collapse we'll be back to tribal chieftans, I guess.
    Democracy is slavery: the illusion that the people run the government. People are not equal, in ability or mind, and those snakes who are influential in media can manipulate the fragile minds of the masses with simple jingoistic phrases. Most people are not cut out to make political decisions, for they have no faculties in examining a larger worldview, thus, their entirety of their political thought is reduced to "what can government do for me?"

  6. #5
    The masses marched, single file
    while McCain gave out his creepy smile
    "100 years in Iraq we stay!
    A New World Order we'll pave the way!"

    The Ron Paul voters in full force
    let out a roar--weak and hoarse
    8%? Maybe less?
    It's clear our future is a mess.

    America's fate--darkly sealed
    Collapse and turmoil revealed
    More war, more lies, economic decay
    All Empires die this way.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rebelforacause View Post
    Hey New hampshire followers - go watch the movie cinderella man to get an idea of how you will soon be living
    no heat
    no food
    no hope
    your kids will ask why you voted like you did

    be sure to tell them because you severely lack in judgment, are easily fooled, have no integrity and are anything but a patriot

    Was this a Haiku?

  8. #7
    9pm today
    i was like dude
    no way
    no way
    sad face

  9. #8
    Here's one to troll the Democrats:

    In New Hampshire, primary ended.
    Votes to Obama, teenagers lended.
    Young and naive, to think that change
    means voting Obama, so very strange.

    Obama's loss makes me smile.
    But Hillary's win doth bring the bile.
    The college kids all screamed in pain.
    While butch lesbians cheered and pink confetti rained.

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  11. #9
    Bitter cold vote day

    Media frenzy, so what --

    Just twelve delegates
    Rand Paul is in the top 1% of US Senators.

  12. #10
    It ain't over it's just begun
    The fight for freedom shall be won
    Our heats and minds cannot be slain
    And though our bodies feel the pain
    We'll stand together and we shall fight
    In the end we'll make it right
    Truth and freedom must prevail
    History shows that we can't fail
    They stole our vote, on this fine day
    But in the end we'll have our say
    The vote machines were built by liars
    But true patriots will never tire
    The call is here, the time is now
    Just follow me quit asking how
    We'll march together, in the street
    We'll shout and scream until they're beat
    Though on paper, they say we're small
    Our real numbers will make them fall

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Korey Kaczynski View Post
    There's no doubt in my mind that democracy is a failure of a political process.
    Now how does that go..... +1776?

    Funny you should mention this... it seems the "founders" everyone is oh so fond of quoting (without of course having any real notion where their ideas came from) were also against democracy. I think that's why they opted for a Republic... or am I misremembering my history?
    We have two major parties [in America], the stupid party and the evil party. Every once in a while they manage to work together and we call it "bipartisanship".
    ~Thomas Woods, Rally for the Republic

  14. #12
    Ron Paul rules
    Campaign needs to go back to school
    Off a cliff
    do you get my drift?

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by JaylieWoW View Post
    Now how does that go..... +1776?

    Funny you should mention this... it seems the "founders" everyone is oh so fond of quoting (without of course having any real notion where their ideas came from) were also against democracy. I think that's why they opted for a Republic... or am I misremembering my history?
    Yeah, you're right, but the primary process here, at least in NH, is essentially a (restricted) democracy in terms of obtaining media support and the nomination.

    And voting, even in a republican (small r) government, is still a sham.
    Democracy is slavery: the illusion that the people run the government. People are not equal, in ability or mind, and those snakes who are influential in media can manipulate the fragile minds of the masses with simple jingoistic phrases. Most people are not cut out to make political decisions, for they have no faculties in examining a larger worldview, thus, their entirety of their political thought is reduced to "what can government do for me?"

  16. #14

    Yeah poem...

    Soon as I open my TeeVee,
    It was clearly from DeeCee,
    Our message is under attack,
    Under the mainstream lack.

    Almost any votes was counted,
    Winners was already announced,
    and John Mc Cain already shouted,
    Hillary was back, and applauded.

    Hey, what about Ron Paul I ask,
    The revolution was mend to blast!
    Fox is quiet and change this fast,
    This Paul never mended to last...

    We wont give up, under this fraud,
    Distortion is fact and made by faux!

    Go Sutton and demand the truth...

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