View Full Version : Ron Paul being painted as a person that protects child molesters

06-09-2007, 12:07 AM


06-09-2007, 12:19 AM

06-09-2007, 12:54 AM
Looks like the work of a RudyMcRomneyson supporter (anti-Democrat *and* anti-Ron Paul) who's threatened by the traction RP's getting. Otherwise they wouldn't be so sleezy

06-09-2007, 01:00 AM


06-09-2007, 01:04 AM
Well I added this to the blog...though the dood has to approve the message first.
Looks like a lot of pork.

http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:S.151: > [S.151.ENR] > SEC. 607. SAFE ID ACT

$5.9 million for more help against drug abuse.
$120 million for Public housing for victims. This should be left to charities and churches.

Give me liberty
06-09-2007, 08:23 AM
Dam -.-
When will ron paul attack rudy stand on his foreign policy?

Ron Paul does not protect those Child Molesters.

06-09-2007, 08:43 AM
Public housing for victims of what? Hurricane Katrina?

06-10-2007, 03:50 AM
What I see there are mostly far-right uninformed Republicans, and far-left uninformed Liberals, both groups entirely incapable of nuanced thought. Devoid of understanding the fine lines that Dr. Paul straddles with great deftness. And bear in mind that when I say this, I am a left-leaning, non-Christian (though I know God exists from personal experience), pro-choice (though I believe govt. should not be involved, and am disturbed by Partial-birth abortion), pro-gay (no federal mandates about marriage, though), hippy sort. I would even go so far as to say that these people have only seen the spun MSM versions of Paul, or read some whacked out blog somewhere, without further inquiry. Interestingly enough, as I slowly veer toward the center of the political spectrum, and as I am beginning to shed some of my democratic-party installed socialist tendencies, my mind is quicker at detecting how the left can also spin media matters as well as the right, as befits their agenda.

06-10-2007, 04:08 AM
Who cares?

They are mostly rigth wing whackos.

There is goign to be a lot of trite crap built to pander to trite minds. Anybody who has gone there already had their minds made up.

06-10-2007, 04:09 AM
These people can't even BEGIN to understand where the man's coming from. Firstly, there is NOTHING unconstitutional about setting up a private variant of the Amber alert system. Not only would it be a profitable venture, but it would also be considerably more dynamic than any government attempt. If they feel so strongly about maintaining the system for their children, fine let them pay for one, but don't force myself and everyone else to sponsor the program through taxes.

06-10-2007, 04:14 AM
Also, look in the blogs, alot of the people are sham myspace accounts, for instance
http://www.myspace.com/193689130 and http://www.myspace.com/193689745

Just don't take your eyes off the prize folks... hate is hate, and the haters will hate eachother to death. They hate because their minds are made up.

If you fight them, you lose.

In the blog "stacey" http://profile.myspace.com/193312382 says "I liked him in the debates. Not so much now. Sorry Ron."

Notice it's a shill account. Don't worry, this dogs bark is way worse than it's bite.

06-10-2007, 04:15 AM
I replied to this comment on the Myspace page. I don't know if it will get accepted but anyway.

Protect our children. Vote NO against Ron Paul.

"Vote YES for everyone else and let our kids grow up so they can die fighting illegal, unjust wars on the other side of the planet."

06-10-2007, 04:24 AM
Send a complaint for imposter account,

I did and left this message

Creating tons of shill accounts, (for instance http://profile.myspace.com/193312382, http://www.myspace.com/193689745 and http://www.myspace.com/193689130 ) to give kudos to his/her own blog, to move up in "most popular blogs."

click on "report abuse" and report it. A few dozen of these, and the creator will be banned.

P.S. Don't message the owner, and let him know you are on to him... then his site will get deleted again* and he still will not know why.

*I read in the comments, there are some people who allude to a similar myspace page was already taken down.

The Dane
06-10-2007, 04:50 AM
In the end people have to understand that they cant rely on the federal government to take care of everything, and remove all of the natural fears.

In the eyes of the federal government we are all potential child molesters. So they will need to watch everybody, and make a nice big file on everyone, for automatic search in a big server. The federal government can use that file to get complete information and thereby complete control over all citizens, and if the wrong people are in power, they will do just that. The same problem applies with the information gathering for "war on terror" files.

Ron Paul voted against this bill, because for him a threat of a future dictatorship in America is more important than the threat of a few childmolesters out of 300 mio. americans. It is about proportions. Ron Paul is "all stop" about federal control over individuals. The issue with child protection can be taken care of at the state and the private level.

The same increasing rate of information gathering is happening all over the western world, with the primary excuse being the "war on terror" and a secondary one is to protect "our" children from abuse.

The first exuse is plain dumb (seen from my point of view) but the second one is more difficult to address unless one adhere to basic principle of individual liberty, liberty to form free relations, and of minimal government. You have a chance to do that in America, but over here we regretfully dont have a history of liberty in the same way.

06-10-2007, 06:00 AM
If someone calls Ron Paul a child molester or not protecting kids:

Joseph Liden sneakily snuck the Rave Act into a child abduction bill called the Amber Alert. This basically made the Rave bill easy to pass because anyone against it was going against child kidnappings. It was a sneaky move made by a guy bought out by music industry moguls. This is some reasons of why music is so controlled by Clearchannel and Viacom because of people like Biden.

What does the Amber Alert bill have in common with raves, music festivals and other gatherings of the masses? Plenty. The Amber Alert is the missing child-response program that utilizes the resources of national law enforcement and media to notify the public when children are kidnapped. Its name comes from the tragic kidnapping and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas, in 1996.
The Amber Alert easily passed 98-0 in the U.S. Senate and 400-25 in the House.

Midnight riders on bills are becoming S.O.P. in Congress. They're last-minute additions tacked on to bills that are already travelling through Congress. To ensure their passage, these riders are quietly implanted in bills favored to win congressional approval. Their concealment avoids the routine public hearings required before the new laws are introduced. Midnight riders often have little or nothing to do with the actual bill they're attached to.

Deeply embedded in the Amber Alert Act is a new law, which makes organizers of nearly every public event liable for prison time and fines up to $250,000, if drugs are found on the premises. That portion, which has already been given the moniker the "Rave Act," was buried in the Amber Alert bill by Democratic Senator Joe Biden. It's called the Rave Act because Biden believes those events promote drug use.

This puts concert and rave promoters at tremendous and unnecessary risk. It also creates a new sport for prosecutors who often use their position for future political ambitions. Just ask Rudy Giuliani.

Biden co-chairs the Senate NATO Observer Group and the Senate National Security Working Group. That apparently makes him an expert of raves and rock concerts.

In his home state of Delaware, Biden is known as a staunch crusader against drug abuse and underage drinking. The Senator is labeled a liberal for his opposition to the nomination of Attorney General John Ashcroft. He voted for the gay-friendly Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1996, which would have prohibited job discrimination based on sexual orientation by federal employers. Biden was also a major supporter of Senator Barbara Boxer's unsuccessful 1993 amendment to modify President Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding gays in the U.S. military. As it stands, that policy still permits the dishonorable discharge of gay and lesbian soldiers due to sexual orientation.

Biden's rave rules say if someone is found with any amount of pot, or any other substance deemed illegal, the promoter of the event can be popped. This puts promoters at tremendous risk. They're liable, even if they are unaware of drug usage and have made a good faith effort to prevent it.

So what will Biden's bill accomplish? Enforcement would lead to higher insurance rates for promoters. This means promoters, to cover their to-the-roof premiums, may be forced to increase the cost of attending events defined by Biden's rider. It also puts the damper on any roving raves now or in the future. It's not worth the risk of jail time and heavy fines.

It gets deeper. As it reads, the rider targets organizers of any event. This includes a permit-holder for a demonstration. Literal enforcement of the bill puts any promoted large public gatherings at risk. Just think of it as another chunk out of the Bill of Rights.

Word to the wise. If you're planning on attending the annual playing of the 1812 Overture at Blossom, leave the pot pipe at home. We don't want Loras John Schissel and his Blossom Festival Band to get busted.

Then there's the question of who's held responsible if someone's caught holding at a Biden re-election rally?

The FCC was forced to admit recently that its officials took questionable advantage of nearly $2.8 million in travel and entertainment since the Telecommunications Act was passed in 1996. FCC commissioners and other staffers were the recipients of more than 2,000 trips to destinations like Paris, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, London, Beijing, Buenos Aires and closer to home, New Orleans, New York, Miami, Palm Springs, Atlanta and San Francisco. Topping the list was Las Vegas, with 330 trips.

The commissioners must really enjoy the radio stations in that city. You could say they were hooked. The National Association of Broadcasters, which represents radio and TV stations and Viacom, which owns CBS TV, Infinity radio, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, TNN and other media holdings, were among the groups covering the tabs for the FCC. What's the old saying? Never underestimate the value of a cash bribe?

The Center for Public Integrity reported that FCC Chairman Michael Powell, who's never met a media regulation he'd like to keep, racked up the greatest amount of frequent flyer miles with 44 first-class trips at a cost of $84,921. That averages out to over $1,930 per trip. Powell, the number one son of Secretary of State Colin Powell, is forced to fly first class due to a pelvic injury he suffered in a vehicle accident while serving in the U.S. Army. Poor bastard.

06-20-2007, 07:51 AM
site down.


06-20-2007, 08:08 AM
If someone calls Ron Paul a child molester or not protecting kids:

Joseph Biden sneakily snuck the Rave Act into a child abduction bill called the Amber Alert. This basically made the Rave bill easy to pass because anyone against it was going against child kidnappings. It was a sneaky move made by a guy bought out by music industry moguls. This is some reasons of why music is so controlled by Clearchannel and Viacom because of people like Biden.

What does the Amber Alert bill have in common with raves, music festivals and other gatherings of the masses? Plenty. The Amber Alert is the missing child-response program that utilizes the resources of national law enforcement and media to notify the public when children are kidnapped. Its name comes from the tragic kidnapping and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman of Arlington, Texas, in 1996.
The Amber Alert easily passed 98-0 in the U.S. Senate and 400-25 in the House.

Midnight riders on bills are becoming S.O.P. in Congress. They're last-minute additions tacked on to bills that are already travelling through Congress. To ensure their passage, these riders are quietly implanted in bills favored to win congressional approval. Their concealment avoids the routine public hearings required before the new laws are introduced. Midnight riders often have little or nothing to do with the actual bill they're attached to.

Deeply embedded in the Amber Alert Act is a new law, which makes organizers of nearly every public event liable for prison time and fines up to $250,000, if drugs are found on the premises. That portion, which has already been given the moniker the "Rave Act," was buried in the Amber Alert bill by Democratic Senator Joe Biden. It's called the Rave Act because Biden believes those events promote drug use.

This puts concert and rave promoters at tremendous and unnecessary risk. It also creates a new sport for prosecutors who often use their position for future political ambitions. Just ask Rudy Giuliani.

Biden co-chairs the Senate NATO Observer Group and the Senate National Security Working Group. That apparently makes him an expert of raves and rock concerts.

In his home state of Delaware, Biden is known as a staunch crusader against drug abuse and underage drinking. The Senator is labeled a liberal for his opposition to the nomination of Attorney General John Ashcroft. He voted for the gay-friendly Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 1996, which would have prohibited job discrimination based on sexual orientation by federal employers. Biden was also a major supporter of Senator Barbara Boxer's unsuccessful 1993 amendment to modify President Clinton's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding gays in the U.S. military. As it stands, that policy still permits the dishonorable discharge of gay and lesbian soldiers due to sexual orientation.

Biden's rave rules say if someone is found with any amount of pot, or any other substance deemed illegal, the promoter of the event can be popped. This puts promoters at tremendous risk. They're liable, even if they are unaware of drug usage and have made a good faith effort to prevent it.

So what will Biden's bill accomplish? Enforcement would lead to higher insurance rates for promoters. This means promoters, to cover their to-the-roof premiums, may be forced to increase the cost of attending events defined by Biden's rider. It also puts the damper on any roving raves now or in the future. It's not worth the risk of jail time and heavy fines.

It gets deeper. As it reads, the rider targets organizers of any event. This includes a permit-holder for a demonstration. Literal enforcement of the bill puts any promoted large public gatherings at risk. Just think of it as another chunk out of the Bill of Rights.

Word to the wise. If you're planning on attending the annual playing of the 1812 Overture at Blossom, leave the pot pipe at home. We don't want Loras John Schissel and his Blossom Festival Band to get busted.

Then there's the question of who's held responsible if someone's caught holding at a Biden re-election rally?

The FCC was forced to admit recently that its officials took questionable advantage of nearly $2.8 million in travel and entertainment since the Telecommunications Act was passed in 1996. FCC commissioners and other staffers were the recipients of more than 2,000 trips to destinations like Paris, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro, London, Beijing, Buenos Aires and closer to home, New Orleans, New York, Miami, Palm Springs, Atlanta and San Francisco. Topping the list was Las Vegas, with 330 trips.

The commissioners must really enjoy the radio stations in that city. You could say they were hooked. The National Association of Broadcasters, which represents radio and TV stations and Viacom, which owns CBS TV, Infinity radio, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, TNN and other media holdings, were among the groups covering the tabs for the FCC. What's the old saying? Never underestimate the value of a cash bribe?

The Center for Public Integrity reported that FCC Chairman Michael Powell, who's never met a media regulation he'd like to keep, racked up the greatest amount of frequent flyer miles with 44 first-class trips at a cost of $84,921. That averages out to over $1,930 per trip. Powell, the number one son of Secretary of State Colin Powell, is forced to fly first class due to a pelvic injury he suffered in a vehicle accident while serving in the U.S. Army. Poor bastard.

******* OUTSTANDING POST ********

The War on Dissent, yet another front of the larger War on the Constitution, part of the worldwide War on Sovereignty. This is how we all become slaves.

We must fight every encroachment on our rights, on all fronts simultaneously.

Please sign this petition to stop TeenScreen (http://www.petitiononline.com/TScreen/petition.html)

06-20-2007, 04:07 PM
...is a poster child for "unintended consequences." The supposed purpose of the act was to shut down raves. But the wording of the act doesn't restrict its applicability to a rave. What rock concert have you ever attended where you didn't notice that somebody was smoking pot? Well, thanks to this law, if a cop notices, now the promoter can be busted if the police/local authorities feel like it. I think I feel a shakedown coming...

Hopefully Ron Paul can help get this ill-conceived law reversed.

07-07-2007, 11:22 AM
This is a shift in government.

That individuals and states have sovereignty that should NEVER be interfered with by the federal government. That has never been its role.

It's role is to maintain defense, hard currency, and to be the protector of our rights, NOT the keeper of our rights.

It should basically be an impartial referee for the states.
and the states should be impartial referees for the counties, etc.

A quick look at politics today will give you a good idea how far we've strayed.

When states recognize other states laws.
And when ever major issue is handled at the state level, everyone's happy.


A Republic is individual rights.
A Democracy is majority rules. (51% tell 49% what to do)

Big government is collective socialism/communism. That has never worked.
Yet that is exactly what the globalist want.
All the major candidates are globalist. NAU/NWO

In order to have a North American Union or a New World Order, you can't have the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
If you're OK with losing our Bill of Rights, then you'd be a globalist as well.
All the major candidates are globalist. NAU/NWO

The neo-cons are corporate fascist - corporate controlled government. (arms,oil,pharmies)

The agenda is to replace this corp/fascisim with socialism (via healthcare) and then vise versa, back and forth, baby steps. Look at the past 50+ years.

Ron Paul is saying, HEY how 'bout a Constitutional Republic!?
How 'bout getting back to the government that we're SUPPOSED TO HAVE.

Ron ROCKS, save the Constitution, save the Republic, we need an American Agenda!

07-07-2007, 12:01 PM
We think we're free by picking a Republican/Fascist or a Democrat/Socialist.

They are just the left and right feet of the NWO.

Bush's 2 terms pushed/skipped fascism along further than it should have gone.

Without a Constitutionalist at the helm, we will continue our baby-step progression toward a New World Order.