View Full Version : Paul Broun

02-11-2008, 11:11 PM
Paul Broun is an incumbent republican congressman representing Georgia's 10th congressional district. He is being challenged by well-funded neoconservative Barry Fleming (http://www.opensecrets.org/races/summary.asp?cycle=2008&id=GA10).

Broun is a Ron Paul republican (http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?t=8068). He could use some help, and unfortunately he's not included in the Liberty Warchest (http://www.libertywarchest.com) congressional money bomb.


02-11-2008, 11:21 PM
As a sitting Congressman did he endorse RP?

02-12-2008, 10:52 AM
No he refused to. He said he liked Dr. Paul, but because of Dr. Paul's stance on the war in Iraq he couldn't endorse.

He seems decent on the other issues though

02-12-2008, 10:55 AM
Oh Well I guess he will just have to have fun with the neocons then.

02-12-2008, 10:58 AM
No he refused to. He said he liked Dr. Paul, but because of Dr. Paul's stance on the war in Iraq he couldn't endorse.

He seems decent on the other issues though

So....he really isn't a "...Ron Paul republican...", then, is he ? :confused:

02-12-2008, 10:59 AM
QFT. He is either with us or against us. Can't have it both ways. He is not a Ron Paul republican if he can't agree on Iraq, IMO.

02-12-2008, 11:07 AM
He has disappointed me on several other issues as well. I don't know who keeps floating his name around as one...

I think it started when he became known for handing out constitutions

AJ Antimony
02-12-2008, 02:34 PM
Foreign policy is Ron Paul's #1 issue. If a guy is all Paul except on foreign policy, then he's not Paul at all.

02-12-2008, 02:41 PM
His point was that he would have voted against it at the time, but believes we should get the job done. He is against foreign adventurism as whole, however, that is what I read in Reason magazine at least.

02-12-2008, 02:56 PM

Vote yes on HR 1955

I wouldn't tell anyone who to call a RR, I wouldn't tell anyone to vote for his opponent instead, but his reacord is kinda shady and needs looking into.

02-12-2008, 02:59 PM

Vote yes on HR 1955

I wouldn't tell anyone who to call a RR, I wouldn't tell anyone to vote for his opponent instead, but his reacord is kinda shady and needs looking into.

F him then.

03-07-2008, 12:07 PM
Paul Broun (R-GA) barely won a special election runoff in June 2007. His votes aren't perfect, but they are FAR better than most. Like it or Not, occasionally politicians must vote against something they agree with in order to win reelection. Ron Paul has a district that supports him in spite of his "quirky" votes. It will take more than 8 months for Broun to build up this level of support in his district.

Here's a vote where Paul and Broun are the only two opposing bad legislation:


He and Ron Paul were the only two people to vote against a well intentioned, but significantly flawed bill today in the U.S. House.

Like Ron Paul, Broun is an MD and carries a pocket Constitution. He applies a four-way test to all legislation” (in essence, is each piece of legislation constitutional, moral, needed, and affordable?)

While there may be differences on particular issues and policies, unlike every other Ron Paul Candidate, Paul Broun has already demonstrated that he can win a house seat. His neocon opponents won't follow the constitution and would likely vote to expand the war into Iran. We need to keep this man fighting for us in Congress.

If the R3voLution can't recognize this seat being the number two priority to hold (after TX-14 of course), we are surely doomed as a movement.

Hawthorne, CA

03-07-2008, 12:34 PM
So....he really isn't a "...Ron Paul republican...", then, is he ? :confused:

If you are in Georgia, in his district, he is the closest you're going to get to a Ron Paul Republican. He would be a great ally for Dr. Paul in congress.

03-07-2008, 12:38 PM
Foreign policy is Ron Paul's #1 issue. If a guy is all Paul except on foreign policy, then he's not Paul at all.

Um. Actually, Ron Paul's #1 issue is the economy and sound money.

03-07-2008, 12:59 PM
I think some may agree with Dr. Paul 90% of the time, some may agree only 50 % on the war. To have a successful political movement you still need some allies that might only agree part of the time. You can't write them off totally. There are some you can write off totally and not deal with, but not everybody.

There were many issues to the Iraq war. First there was the vote not to declare war against Iraq.

Ron Paul said the Congress should either declare war and get it over with or not go in at all.

The next issue is, now that we are there, should we leave immediately or leave slowly over the next year.

Another issue is should we be there for ten years, 100 years like John McCain said.

There maybe some who support Dr. Paul on his initial vote against the war.

But they may disagree about how to leave and on what timetable.

Then there are some congressmen who may have voted for the war, but are fed up with the incompetence of the military. Further, they see that we may have just made a major geopolitical mistake by now allowing Iran and Iraq to become best friends and creating a giant shiite super state which is hostile to us.

I don't think you can have absolutist mindset on this.

The american public was for the war at first, but now they hear stories out of Iraq about how incompetent the military was, and most people now want the military to come home rather than fight with one hand tied behind their back.

03-07-2008, 03:05 PM
Reason Magazine did an article about Broun recently for anyone interested:

03-07-2008, 03:49 PM
Um. Actually, Ron Paul's #1 issue is the economy and sound money.

Exactly, RP's main platform is econmics and Constitution, the war issue is the main issue for his "special" supporters.

03-07-2008, 04:17 PM
Exactly, RP's main platform is econmics and Constitution, the war issue is the main issue for his "special" supporters.

Ending our interventionist foreign policy is a necessary part of Paul's economic plan to be possible. He has stated this countless times.

For you to somehow separate our aggressive foreign policy from the constitution and monetary policy is surprising. You must educate yourself about the interconnections. You cannot have a government properly constrained by the constitution and have either the fiat monetary policy that we have OR the foreign policy that we have.

03-11-2008, 10:36 AM
The time to focus on which issues are more important is past. We have three months to keep Paul Broun in Congress.

Even RedState.com recognizes that Paul Broun is not part of the do nothing establishment. Here's their endorsement:

http://redstate.com/stories/endorsements/conservatives_must_rally_to_hold_this_seat_we_endo rse_paul_broun_ga_10

Some of us around here like to call Paul Broun "Ron Paul without the crazy." A doctor by training, Broun ran a campaign that tied together conservative Christians and hardcore libertarians. We don't always agree with him; for example, he's opposed to the war on drugs and supports state medicinal marijuana programs. We cannot, however, help but like and admire Paul Broun — a champion for home schoolers, free markets, and life.

We have a man with support from Libertarians and Right-Wing Conservatives being outraised 5 to 1 by the status-quo establishment. Can we get the R3VOLution on board to keep this seat in Congress?

Hawthorne, CA