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  1. Upcoming Samsung Phones to have Front Iris Scanner (Rumor)
  2. Hackers Can Use Smart Watch Movements To Reveal A Wearer's ATM PIN
  3. Privacy and the "Nothing To Hide" Argument
  4. PSA: Pokemon Go Has Full Access To Your Google Account Data
  5. FBI collects 430,000 Iris Scans in 3 years "Pilot Program"
  6. Iris Scans: compulsory e-registration at Abu Dhabi Airport
  7. US Travelers "clear" long security lines with Iris Scans
  8. What Media Companies Don’t Want You to Know About Ad Blockers
  9. Snowden Designs a Device to Warn if Your iPhone’s Radios Are Snitching
  10. Michigan professor 3D-printed murder victim's fingers to help police unlock dead man's phone
  11. Web 3.0 - MaidSafe
  12. Guifi’s infrastructure is held in common by its users; operated as a commons
  13. BBC Vans To Snoop On Private Wi-Fi for Unpaid License Fees
  14. NSA Backdoor Gives Hackers Access to 900 Million Smartphone Cameras/Mic
  15. firefox versions, user agent, email, and saved info - help needed (warning: lengthy)
  16. Washington’s NSA: The World's Most Dangerous Cyber Hacker Army
  17. Baltimore Police Respond To Report Of Secret Aerial Surveillance Program
  18. FBI’s stingray quickly found suspect after local cops’ device couldn’t
  19. The latest government data breach came from (wait for it…) fishing licenses
  20. How did Kim and Kanye disappear from Street View? Mystery as super rich gated communities beco
  21. Enhanced DMV facial recognition technology helps NY nab 100 ID thieves
  22. Meet USBee - Malware Now Able to Covertly Jump Airgaps
  23. Why Do Hackers Love Beards So Much?
  24. New ID Badge Records Employee Conversations
  25. The Feds Will Soon Be Able to Legally Hack Almost Anyone
  26. Android Users Need To Delete Google Maps and Google Play For Location Privacy
  27. FBI Director James Comey: Cover Up Your Webcam
  28. None of Your Pixelated or Blurred Information Will Stay Safe On The Internet
  29. All the Ways Your Wi-Fi Router Can Spy on You...
  30. Woman Sues Sex Toy App For Secretly Capturing Sensitive Information
  31. Opera Browser Now Includes FREE VPN
  32. Snowden: No matter what, don’t use Google’s new Allo messenger app
  33. At least 500 million Yahoo accounts data stolen in 2014
  34. How CVS Invaded My Brain
  35. US journalist's site under attack after he exposed Israeli hackers 'rent a hacker' service
  36. AT&T: You Don't Need Broadband Privacy Protections. Trust Us.
  37. Yahoo spied on users on behalf of NSA
  38. FCC Proposal: Internet Providers Must Ask To Share Your Data
  39. A New Secure (Anonymous, Encrypted, etc.) Instant Message App
  40. Machine Logic: Our Lives Are Ruled By Big Tech's 'Decisions By Data'
  41. Self-Driving Cars Won’t Just Log Miles; They’ll Be Logging You
  42. A Spotify Ad Slipped Malware Onto PCs and Macs
  43. As the Surveillance Expands, Best Way to Resist is to Bury the NSA in Garbage
  44. Yahoo Patents Smart Billboard That Would Deliver Targeted Ads To Passersby or Motorists
  45. Anyone else get the American Community Survey?
  46. Study: 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network
  47. Google Has Quietly Dropped Ban on Personally Identifiable Web Tracking
  48. Epic Privacy Browser Is Epic
  49. Report: AT&T Is Spying on Americans For Profit
  50. Detroit Airport New High-Tech System: Takes 10 Fingerprints, Iris Scan, High-Res Photo Of Face
  51. FCC Imposes ISP Privacy Rules and Takes Aim At Mandatory Arbitration
  52. Big Brother knows everything – GSM
  53. Windows 10 Adds Offline Gaming
  54. Bitmessage
  55. UK Auto Insurer Will Use Facebook Data To Set Premium
  56. If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide....
  57. Ask Slashdot: What's the Best Way to Browse the Web Anonymously?
  58. Nvidia Adds Telemetry (Tracking) To Latest Drivers
  59. Fappening 2.0?
  60. Mozilla Launches Firefox Focus, a Stripped-Down Private Browser For iOS
  61. 'Quit Social Media. Your Career May Depend on It.' (nytimes.com)
  62. Great. Now Even Your Headphones Can Spy on You
  63. Tor-Enabled Smartphone Is Antidote To Google 'Hostility' Over Android, Says Developer
  64. Nearly 40% of Americans Would Give Up Sex for a Year in Exchange for Better Online Security
  65. Security Researchers Can Turn Headphones Into Microphones
  66. Microsoft Gives Third-Parties Access to Windows 10 Telemetry Data
  67. Transparent DNS proxies
  68. Click
  69. MUNI Computer Hack Caused Payment Machines to Shut Down
  70. 48 Organizations Now Have Access To Every Brit's Browsing History
  71. China Pilots a System That Rates Citizens on 'Social Credit Score' To Determine Eligibility Fo
  72. Facebook, Twitter, Google And Microsoft Team Up To Stop Terrorist Content
  73. Watchdog Group Claims Smart Toys Are Spying On Kids
  74. Tor Thread
  75. 14 eyebrow-raising things Google knows about you
  76. EU's Highest Court Delivers Blow To UK Snooper's Charter
  77. ZeroNet
  78. USB data security
  79. how do you track changes in a windows file system?
  80. is gmail blocking e-mail from competition?
  81. US Congressional Committee Concludes Encryption Backdoors Won't Work
  82. Amazon Echo & Alexa-driven devices
  83. Firefox 52 Borrows One More Privacy Feature From the Tor Browser
  84. Microsoft Foresees AR Tracking Your Keys, Milk, Entire Life
  85. Qubes OS A reasonably secure operating system
  86. Techno-appliances to be used gathering evidence
  87. States Wire Up Roads as Cars Get Smarter
  88. Tutanota: the Open-Source Encrypted E-mail
  89. If a Best Buy technician is a paid FBI informant, are his computer searches legal?
  90. Microsoft is COMMITTED to Continuing to be Committed to Your Privacy
  91. Do you use Facebook?
  92. Fingerprinting Methods Identify Users Across Different Browsers On the Same PC
  93. BitChute - Alternative To YouTube Is Out Of The Chute
  94. 80:80:80:80: A More Private, Anonymous DNS
  95. Earth’s atmosphere can be turned into massive surveillance system using LASERS
  96. How flashing a peace sign can set you up for identity theft
  97. The SHA-1 End Times Have Arrived
  98. Lavabit Is Relaunching
  99. 2K Games Wins the Right To Store and Share Your Biometric Facial Data
  100. Police Could Get Your Location Data Without a Warrant. That Has to End
  101. Data from man’s pacemaker led to arson charges
  102. Now Sites Can Fingerprint You Online Even When You Use Multiple Browsers
  103. Outlawing microchipping humans not so far-fetched, Nevada senator says
  104. Web News Paywall Killer
  105. Scottish Court Awards Damages For CCTV Camera Pointed At Neighbor's House
  106. Remember that OPM Hack Exposing Millions of Feds?
  107. German Government Tells Parents: Destroy This WiFi-Connected Doll
  108. EU Privacy Watchdogs Say Windows 10 Settings Still Raise Concerns
  109. Amazon Argues Free Speech in Alexa Murder Case
  111. Questioning The Privacy Policies Of Data-Collecting Cars
  112. 'Smart Condom' Tracks Nitty Gritty of Your Sex Life
  113. GOP Senators' New Bill Would Let ISPs Sell Your Web Browsing Data
  114. NOVA: The Spy Factory Full Video
  115. Let's analyze Wikileaks "Vault 7" data!
  116. Advertisers Look Forward to Buying Your Web Browsing History From ISPs
  117. CCTV Cameras May Be Set To Lip Read Soon
  118. Wikileaks: CIA Has Been Bugging “Factory Fresh” iPhones Since 2008
  119. CIA’s NightSkies tool can hack, remotely control iPhones without user knowing
  120. German BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibits and other Wikileaks disclosers
  121. Whatever you do, don’t say yes when this chatbot asks, 'Can you hear me?'
  122. Internet of Things (IoT) in your home
  123. What is the best solution to enforce least privilege access controls for Unix,Linux,Windows
  124. Verizon To Force 'AppFlash' Spyware On Android Phones
  125. This Is Almost Certainly James Comey’s Twitter Account
  126. Simple VPN Comparison Chart
  127. Companies Start Implanting Microchips Into Workers' Bodies - L.A. Times
  128. Phony VPN Services Are Cashing In On America's War On Privacy
  130. Watch Your Information...
  131. Burger King runs ad campaign that activates Google/Amazon home spy speakers
  132. New Processors Are Now Blocked From Receiving Updates On "Old" Windows
  133. Roku-Enabled TVs Will Soon 'Listen' To Programs You're Watching To Suggest Streaming Content
  134. Running Windows? Today Shadow Brokers 0day tools were released.
  135. Burger King Won't Take a Hint; Alters TV Ad To Evade Google's Block
  136. Google Is Working On a Tool For Managing Job Applicants
  137. GOP Congressman Defending Privacy Vote: 'Nobody's Got To Use The Internet
  138. Blockchain Based Digital ID - Evernym
  139. User-Made Patch Lets Owners of Next-Gen CPUs Install Updates On Windows 7 & 8.1
  140. Bose headphones have been spying on customers, lawsuit claims
  141. Even After Its App Was Deleted, Uber Secretly Tracked Users
  142. Antivirus Webroot Deletes Windows Files, Causes Serious Problems For Users
  143. Amazon Wants To Put a Camera and Microphone in Your Bedroom
  144. Good site for testing your computer privacy
  145. NSA will stop illegally collecting American emails
  146. Would You Put an Amazon Camera in Your Bedroom?
  147. John McAfee Announces Privacy Locked-Down Cellphone
  148. Remote security exploit in all 2008+ Intel platforms
  149. Why Is the TSA Scanning Paper?
  150. Don't use our smart meter and we'll shut off your water
  151. I’ll never bring my phone on an international flight again. Neither should you.
  152. FSF Supports Today's Boston March Against DRM In HTML5
  153. Microsoft Wants To Monitor Your Workplace With AI, Computer Vision and the Cloud
  154. France fines Facebook 0.002% of revenue for breaking privacy law
  155. Firefox Marketing Head Expresses Concerns Over Google's Apparent 'Only Be On Chrome' Push
  156. Chipotle says hackers hit most restaurants in data breach
  157. Bonus! Self driving cars will double as mobile Big Brother surveillance platforms
  158. Judge Napolitano: We're the most spied on nation in history
  159. Malware downloader infects your PC without a mouse click
  160. Email provider
  161. The RNC Files: Inside the Largest US Voter Data Leak
  162. Facebook problems
  163. Leak of Windows 10 Source Code Raises Security Concerns
  164. New Device Allows Cops To Download All Of Your Smartphone Activity In Seconds
  165. 'Microsoft' Scam Callers ARRESTED After Years of Terrorising the Technically Challenged
  166. Facebook can track your browsing even after you've logged out, judge says
  167. FSF Sees Hopeful Signs Before Sunday's 'Day Against DRM'
  168. Ask Ron Paul Forums: How Safe, Really, Is Paying For Things Online?
  169. Smart home device alerts New Mexico authorities to alleged assault
  170. Congress Wants To Allow Foreign Police Access To U.S. Social Media Government Data
  171. Hackers Steal Swedish Security Company CEO's Identity, Declare Him "Bankrupt"
  172. macOS users beware: A new and nearly undetectable malware is on the rise
  173. American ISPS Are Now Fighting State Broadband Privacy Proposals
  174. "Nothing To Hide" Leads To "Nowhere To Hide" – Why Privacy Matters In Age Of Tech Totalitarian
  175. Psychographics 101 (Demographics Gone Creepy)
  176. Canadian Govt Begins, Tracking, Rewarding "Good Behavior" with "Carrot Points"
  177. Movies that Watch YOU
  178. WI-First US company to start using implanted micro chip technology on employees
  179. Your Roomba already maps your home. Now the CEO plans to sell that map.
  180. protonmail is not private
  181. Google Says AI Better Than Humans At Scrubbing Extremist YouTube Content
  182. 'Real People' Don't Need End-To-End Encryption In Their Messaging Apps, UK Home Secretary Says
  183. Sorry, Psycho Bosses, It's Not OK To Keylog Your Employees
  184. The NSA Intercepted Microsoft's Windows Bug Reports
  185. New Smart Meters and 5G Technologies Can Be Used to Intercept All of Your Private Data
  186. The man who came up with the safe password rules admits he was WRONG
  187. You WILL get chipped -- eventually
  188. Facebook Demanding Clear Face Photo
  189. Palantir: the ‘special ops’ tech giant that wields as much real-world power as Google
  190. Nest thermostats to save power during Aug. 21 eclipse
  191. Google Kicks 500 Apps Off Online Store Over Spyware Concerns
  192. Background check to purchase a firearm in Minnesota
  193. Your Personal Information Is Now the World's Most Valuable Commodity
  194. Hit App Sarahah Quietly Uploads Your Address Book
  195. The IRS Decides Who To Audit By Data Mining Social Media
  196. Researchers Find a Way To Disable Intel ME Component Courtesy of the NSA
  197. HOA help
  198. Over 400 Links Google Doesn’t Want You To Visit
  199. Equifax Hacked - 143 Million Users Data Exposed
  200. A Simple Design Flaw Makes It Astoundingly Easy To Hack Siri And Alexa
  201. Gmail alternatives
  202. Why Privacy Is Under Attack
  203. How do you use the internet securely?
  204. Adobe Taps Your Car For Targeted Ad Data
  205. Your future sexbots could be hacked and programmed to murder you
  206. New (eye)iPhone scans your face, expands total biometric collection
  207. BlueBorne Vulnerabilities Impact Over 5 Billion Bluetooth-Enabled Devices
  208. Do you use PGP Encryption?
  209. Facebook Promises To Censor All Material That Makes Zuckerberg Sad
  210. Equifax data theft of 143 Million: Are you taking any preventative steps against ID theft?
  211. US government bans Kaspersky software citing fears about Russian intelligence
  212. Devs unknowingly use “malicious” modules snuck into official Python repository
  213. 2 Billion downloads: Hackers hid malware in Avast's "crapware cleaner" CCleaner software
  214. California Democrats Sell Out Online Privacy In The Dead Of Night
  215. Infrared signals in surveillance cameras let malware jump network air gaps
  216. Amazon Is Reportedly Working On Alexa-Enabled Smart Glasses
  217. Nest Hello is a smart doorbell with HD video monitoring
  218. 'Dear Apple, The iPhone X and Face ID Are Orwellian and Creepy'
  219. S.E.C. Says It Was a Victim of Computer Hacking Last Year
  220. Tor isnt entirely safe anymore
  221. Walmart Wants To Deliver Groceries Straight To Your Fridge While You Watch From Afar
  222. If Data Is the New Oil, Are Tech Companies Robbing Us Blind?
  223. Mystery Surrounds Metal Towers Popping Up In Tunnels & Bridges
  224. Most Agregious Security Leak Yet: EpiPen Database of Users Hacked
  225. Amazon's Echo Spot Is a Sneaky Way To Get a Camera Into Your Bedroom
  226. Dildon'ts of Bluetooth: Pen test boffins sniff out Berlin's smart butt plugs
  227. "Ghost Gun" Machine Now Makes Untraceable Metal Handguns
  228. Tails 3.2: Privacy, Security, and Anonymity on the Internet Just Got Easier
  229. Yahoo says all 3B accounts were impacted by 2013 breach, not 1B as thought
  230. Google is getting creepy
  231. OpenBSD and the modern laptop - That grumpy BSD guy
  232. The Unhackable Email Service
  233. Join Brave
  234. Equifax website is apparently hacked
  235. PureVPN’s ‘non-existent’ logs used to track, arrest alleged internet stalker
  236. Mobile phone companies appear to be providing your number and location to anyone who pays
  237. Telcos "Selling Realtime Ability To Associate Web Browsing With Name & Address"
  238. Hackers Can Track, Spoof Locations And Listen In On Kids' Smartwatches
  239. Verizon Wants To Ban States From Protecting Your Privacy
  240. A “Silicon Valley” actor is terrified by what’s happening in Silicon Valley
  241. Facial recognition is exploding, but at what cost to your privacy?
  242. MINIX — The most popular OS in the world, thanks to Intel
  243. Should You Cover Your Webcam?
  244. EFF: Intel ME a security hazard - users need a way to disable it
  245. Qwant, the European search engine that respects your privacy
  246. Coursera Free teach-out : Privacy, Reputation, and Identity in a Digital Age
  247. Many Employers Are Using Tools To Monitor Their Staff's Computer Behavior
  248. How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met
  249. Stephen Hawking: AI Could Be 'Worst Event in the History of Our Civilization'
  250. Sean Parker Unloads on Facebook 'Exploiting' Human Psychology